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Low-code backend

Manage your database on a spreadsheet-UI and build powerful backend cloud functions, scalably without leaving your browser. Start like no-code, extend with code.
Your database
VS Code
Your backend code
Collision of two windows
It begins with your data.
Rowy displays it directly in a familiar spreadsheet UI.
It’s powered by your existing database.
With over 30 field types, all your data is accessible.
It’s fully scalable and your data stays on your cloud project.
But it’s more than just viewing data.
With Rowy, you can write backend logic right on the same screen.
We’ve done all the boring work for you. So you can focus on writing logic and use any npm package or API. No docs or config needed.
List of supported field typesMongoDB (Coming soon)PostgreSQL (Coming soon)
Screenshot of a tableFirestoreModal of a derivative field’s settings, showing how you can write code in the table viewNode.jsHighlighted code editor
Highlighted code line showing an npm package being imported
Screenshot of Rowy interface showing a table containing a roadmap
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Sign up for Rowy 2.0!

We're gearing up for a brand new way to build backend workflows visually. It's all the things you have asked us and have been waiting for. Join our early users cohort to give us feedback.

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What our users say

Rowy gives a great experience to manage your database and build backend functions fast for your apps. Rowy should be the default way for building on Firebase and Google Cloud.
Hari Dulipudi
Senior PM, Finder
It always takes time to get your database ready, populate rich data like adding images, adding multiple tables. It’s never intuitive. I tried Rowy, it’s so damn good and easy.
Joe Muller
Founder, ParaSightApp
I highly recommend Rowy. With Algolia and Rowy you can spin up apps with full text search in an hour or two.
G Miller
Really, really impressed with what is doing for the Firebase SaaS crowdSo far, I'm delegating the entire user management operation. Unlocking features, subscriptions... Very, very cool
Jess Telford
Frontend Architech, Thinkmill
Whoa, Rowy looks fantastic! It’s like an open source Airtable, but with a built-in editor for lambda functions that can be run during CRUD operations!
Jos Henson Grič
Founder, flexmoneylife
Rowy is how we built a no code fintech banking app in 18 months that actually scales. Super excited about all the cool stuff we are going to do with it next.

Trusted by 30,000+ developers worldwide

Build quickly like low-code, but extend without limits through code.

Start with backend templates

Rowy is
Open source

pull requests
#2 Product of the Day on Product Hunt
But Rowy isn't just for developers.
It unlocks your database for the rest of your team too.
They already know how to use a spreadsheet. Now they can collaborate on one source of truth.
But don't fret. You're in control of what they can view and edit with auditing and access controls down to the field level.
And you can control what data is input with field validation, default values, and required fields.
Screenshot of Rowy interface showing a table containing a roadmap
Screenshot of a table with a row inserted to the topScreenshot of cell with updated tesxtScreenshot of User Management pageScreenshot of column settings modal that allows setting a default value, character limit, and validation regexRequired fieldPopup that says: “Required field. This row will not be saved until all required fields contain valid data”Locked column
Cursor of a viewer userCursor of an editor userCursor of an admin user
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Low-code backend in the browser.
Experience the modern backend stack.

Want to build workflows, APIs,

Works with all your favourite frameworks
And any no-code app builders

Go live in minutes, not months.